Vision Statement

We are striving for a ministry of excellence and joy in the Holy Ghost. We have been commissioned by God to win the lost to Christ by building them upon the love of God, and establishing them upon the foundational teachings laid by the apostlic and prophetic anointings and revealing Christ Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone of our church.
Through obedience to our great commission, mature sons of God will continue to be released, going forth developed, equipped and empowered to do the work of the ministry as we establish God’s Covenant Principles throughout the whole earth.
The Apostolic and Prophetic Mandate
Full Gospel Foundation Building Ministries was called forth by God in 1993 and established in 1994 as an Apostolic governmental force with a Prophetic anointing to build mature disciples for Christ to fulfill the Great Commission given by Christ Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20. Men and women are trained to go forth in the anointing – developed, equipped and empowered to fulfill their God ordained destiny and purpose on this earth.